About the home phonema
The Home Phonema trabajan sin casco en mitad de la estepa toledana. Son expertos desde 2003 en demoliciones descontroladas de todo tipo. Viven escondidos en la oscuridad de una nave abandonada. Sólo salen por la noche para hacer ruiditos que atemorizan a sus vecinos. Han grabado tres EPs (Time to Think, Dear Sons and Daughters of TV y There's Nothing Left To Give Up) Acaban de grabar su primer LP, "3".

"3" es épica y carroña para tiempos difíciles.


The Home Phonema works without helmets in the middle of the Spanish steppe. They are experts on any kind of out-of-control demolitions since 2003. They live hidden in the darkness of an abandoned warehouse. They only go out at night to make little annoying noises that frighten their neighbors. So far they have recorded three EPs (Time to Think, Dear Sons and Daughters of TV and There's Nothing Left To Give Up) They have just recorded their first LP titled "3".

"3" is epic and carrion for difficult times.
the home phonema