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Sala El Sol

Jardines 3, Madrid

Nobunny Juanita y los Feos

Jueves 30 de septiembre - Madrid @ El Sol
10€ ant / 12 taq

Nobunny is a character that garage/punk musician Justin Champlin has been performing as since 2001. His debut LP, Love Visions, was home recorded and released in 2008 to positive reviews.[

While on stage, Nobunny dresses (and undresses) in a bunny mask that is often accompanied by other odd stage-attire choices, such as weaves, ball gags, firecrackers, panties, knee pads and coats made of trash.[2] Nobunny has released a vinyl single "Give it to Me" on HoZac Records (a Chicago label) and a full-length LP called Love Visions on Bubbledumb Records (2008). Love Visions was later re-released on 1-2-3-4 Go! Records in 2009 on vinyl and CD. Since the release of his debut LP, Nobunny has been featured in multiple magazines nationwide and has developed a solid fan base across the world. Burger Records released Raw Romance in 2009 on cassette only. Raw Romance contains a few alternate recordings of previous works and several new songs. The initial release was limited to 500 hand-numbered copies on white or blue cassette tapes. It has subsequently been re-pressed on cassette by Burger. Burger Records has also issued the Love Visions album on cassette.

Nobunny played at Third Man Records in Nashville, Tenn., May 21, in a "semi-acoustic" that will be recorded and released on vinyl by Third Man Records.

Nobunny is known for mixing lo-fi garage punk with bubblegum pop and power pop. He has named The Ramones, Hasil Adkins and The Cramps as being influences on his music.

"How does this 25-minutes of sick trash even exist?" -
"If you've never been hugged by a horny, drunken Muppet, you should seek him out." - Tucson Weekly
"Nobunny played... he was hands down the sexiest thing we'd seen" -
"It was disgusting, totally disgusting, and more than a little creepy" - Paste Magazine
"Nobunny has released a rip-roaring good-times party album that comes on like the illegitimate offspring of the Archies, Joey Ramone, Hasil Adkins and Kim Fowley" - LA Times
"This is the new religion" - Plastique Pop
"(If) you like sweaty basements with your friends while drinking beer from the cheap 30 packs you all threw in on, then this could be your favorite album for the rest of the summer." - Racket Magazine
"NoBunny is essentially a mindfuck multiplied by a clusterfuck" - Detroit Weekly
"Never in my life did I think I'd fall for a gutter-brained, cartoon swipe artiste, but I have. Hard." - Mitch Cardwell -ZGun
"You would not think that someone who acted like this would have fans, but the truth is a lot of folk like him and have paid outrageous amounts of money to acquire his Love" - (ha!)
"Nobunny's Love Visions is easily one of the best records to come out in the past five years." -
"There is a timelessness to Nobunny tunes, their aural aesthetic somewhere between Milk'n'Cookies and Chuck Berry" - Razorcake
"The album is a primitive-but-beautiful little garage pop gem, bursting with delicious hooks and manic power." - LA Examiner
"like a high school version of Rock & Roll High School" -
"I believe in Nobunny. He appears to feel the rock strongly" - Rev. Norb
"This is bubblegum fuzz, with rabble-rousing hooks and Elvis-inspired shakes." - SF Chronicle
"One of the best shows I’ve seen all year" - "-San Antonio Current
"For sure the best record I own to jump around in your underwear and and eat pizza in bed to!" - Jay Reatard

"Nobunny is certainly hitting a chord that's turning ears all over into fuzzy, pink, and protruding embarrassments.... Like a pop machine spewing out a small rivulet of hits... Nobunny's ability to deliver blithesome songs with a maddened and frothy smile is simply brilliant. His bouncy and rollicking style conjures images of dirty bubbles rising over a landscape of unkempt, and insanely catchy hooks that will have the stuffiest of the arm folding camp dancing and acting like idiots within the first couple of chords." -Brett Cross, Victim Of Time


Si una pandilla de anormales afectados por el punk, el garage y la nueva ola juntan un cable rojo con uno azul, mal sunto, porque aperecen chispas que se traducen en una supuesta música con melodía. Juanita y Los Feos presentan su primer disco grande. Su puesta de largo para que algunos maldigan y se caguen en sus muertos. Imagínese usted a X-Ray Spex (la voz de Juanita es tan estridente que los vidrios y los cerebros se resienten) y unos Feos que le dan al ritmo cual primates en celo. Son como Alaska y Los Pegamoides buscando en los baúles del Back From The Grave, pulverizados por Devo y Nuns. Si a esto le añades unas letras dignas dignas de educación primaria ,donde la ingenuidad campa a sus anchas, todo está dicho. Él disco de estos habitantes de Mandril está grabado en los estudios Tigruss en rigurioso analógico, con un resultado infalible en cuestión de frescura e irreverencia. Tanto es así que al final como si de una colecta se tratase unos cuantos descerebrados (Beat Generation, Big Black Hole, Gramaciones Gramofónicas, Dead Beat y los propios Feos) han juntados todos sus ahorros para no aportar nada en esta vida editando tamaño artefacto que estamos publicitando. Avisado queda señor lector. Nosotros no aportamos nada, pero usted menos con su existencia.

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